Hobart 12m
Module HOB+0069, used 0.0 GB
1300UT Multiple instances of dimino running, cannot be terminated using EndDIM; mark5 rebooted (Ross)
1345UT Cannot record to module OAN+0103, rebooted mark5 again (Ross)
checkmk5 gives: 2017.058.13:52:14.70/mk5/!get_stats? 0 : 3 : 293 : 6 : 5 : 14 : 26 : 8 : 10 : 10 : 0 : Fault ; (Ross)
1410UT Need to go to Mt Pleasant to change module, BUT THERE ARE NO CARS!!! (Ross)
1500UT Walked to parents house and borrowed car, now at Mt Pleasant. Disk is faulty, replaced with new module (Ross)
1510UT Autocorrelation spectra now not sensible. Restarting dimino (Ross)
1515UT Seems to all be working now, acs problem seems to be related to testing other module. Have completely removed this now (Ross)
1700UT Experiment started OK (Ross)
Katherine 12m
Module HAY-0062, used 2.564 GB
Yaragadee 12m
Module UVLBI-27, used 0.0 GB