Module: OSOD-351, start position 0.000 GBs
Module: HOB+0034 (“StreamStor1” - label is different to VSN reading) 0.000 GBs
Experiment started okay (Lucas).
18:40 UT, just noticed the maserdelay-clkoff (which was high during setup) has drifted over the last few hours (about 3.7 us!). I'm going to power cycle the dbbc (Lucas).
06:50 UT Disc pos behind 32
GB presumably due to missed scans as described above (Ellen)
Module: HOB+0021 start position 0.000 GBs
07:04 UT Disc position 22
GB behind where is it supposed to be. No indication why. (Ellen)
09:00 UT Disc position now 26
GB behind so Yg seems to be losing data at about 2
GB per hour. (Ellen)