
Hobart 26m

Disk VSN: GSFC+018/8000/1024

Data volume at beginning: 0. GB

Hobart 12m

Telescope in parallel dbbc mode for 26m

0429 DBBC accidentally terminated. Restarted and fmset run. Clock break in the mark5B data at this time (JMc)

Katherine 12m

ke was assigned to use module BKG+0109/4000 which I assume is in bank B. mk5 is not reporting a VSN label for this module, however, and the interior light in ke control room is not on for me to repair the vsn label. I am recording data instead to HOB+1003/8000 which is meant for APSG40 – JS

Disk VSN: HOB+1003/8000/1024

Data volume at beginning: 0. GB

Yarragadee 12m

Disk VSN: USN-0150

Data volume at beginning: 0. GB