Disk VSN: USN-0093
Data volume at beginning: 1.516 GB
Recording onto the mark5/dbbc backend as well. VSN: HOB+1010, disk_pos at beginning: 8572.125 GB
ERROR m5 -900 : Can't set SS mode, ERROR m5 -904 MARK5 return code 4: error encountered (during attempt to execute), ERROR m5 -104 mk5cn: time-out, connection closed
error m5 -900 : can't record while other data transfers, error m5 -900 : not while other activity, error m5 -900 : previous recording still active
Disk VSN: USN-0138
Data volume at beginning: 1.090 GB
Disk VSN: USN-0137
Data volume at beginning: 1.474 GB