1700UT Experiment started okay (Jay)
03:32 Too many “mk5cn time out” errors restart mark5 recorder (warren)
03:35 missed scans 317-0331b, 317-0333b, 317-0335 (warren)
03:40 schedule resumed with scan 324-0341a (warren)
03:47 DIMino crash? restart Dimino (warren)
03:49 scan 317-0349a may be OK; 317-0353a definitely OK (warren)
06:18 UT m5-104 mk5cn: timeout, connection closed. Jaime reboot mk5 (Simin)
06:40 UT Same problem with mk5. Try to reboot mk5. Call yg to power cycle mk5 and restart it (Simin)
08:45 UT Have to call yg to change the module (Simin)
09:17 UT Back to recording. Affected scans: 324-0619a to 324-0917