17:00 UT - Experiment started okay (Momtaz).
17:30 UT - FS crashed. Schedule restarted at 17.35 UT(Momtaz).
08:37 UT - FS crashed. Schedule restarted at 08:50 UT. Scan 149-0838b, 149-0843, 149-0847 probably missed. (Lim).
10:09 UT - FS crashed. Schedule restarted at 10:13 UT. Missed scan 149-1005, 149-1010a. Scan 149-1014 and 149-1017 probably missed (Lim).
FS Crashed (unsure when, no alarm). Schedule restarted at 14:21 UT, with scan 149-1423. (Earl)
14:30:32 ALARM: scan_check reports Mark5 data format problem (Earl)
14:33:24 ALARM: error m5 -900 can't read while data transfer in progress (Earl)