
Katherine 12m

Disk VSN: HAY-0062 | Data volume at beginning: 1.571 GB

Proc file does not seem to have been generated properly, this is causing issues noticeable in the test recording. I am using the r1895ke proc file now instead. Please note this if you need to re-setup the experiment at some point. (Tiege)

→Proc issue due to a typo in skedf.ctl (DNNC rather than DBBC). skedf.ctl may not be applied until after a restart of the FS. (JMc)

Yarragadee 12m

Disk VSN: HOB+0064 | Data volume at beginning: 1.699 GB

This setup happened after Jamie and Guifre were attempting top upgrade DBBC software. I closed the new DBBC software, opened the old, then restarted fs. Everything was fine (including test recording), however, while doing pointing check (after typing fivept) I encountered the error “TPI Overflow”. This froze up the pointing check, not letting it progress any further. It was fixed by again restarting and resyncing the DBBC software. Not sure if just a one off quirk, but noting it down just in-case. This was all prior to schedule start so no data is affected. (Tiege)

Also, drive information on system monitor for Yg seems to be completely broken. The message box is showing many Monica issues. Have tried restarting both Rxmon and Monica as a whole. This has not fixed it. Telescope appears to be working correctly, I may just need to restart a specific part of Monica that I do not know. (Tiege)

→Drive info restored after restarting the antmon program [/etc/init.dMonica.antmon stop && /etc/init.dMonica.antmon start as root] (JMc)