



error for fringe check: not successful. Automatically selected source was not visible from Yg (antenna limits reached).

Qcode   % of Total   % of Correlated
          scans          scans
 5-9       92%           93%
  0         4%            4%
 B-H        2%            2%
Removed     1%

Qcodes 7-9 Correlated 92% Qcode N Not Correlated 0%



HOBART12 (Hb/H): Station experienced large clock drifts from start

               of session to 303-2028.
               Clock again drifted after approximately 303-0130, 
               continuing until DBBC reset at 304-0407.
               Low fringe amplitudes in channel SR6U, 
               leading to occasional 'G' codes.
               Channel SR6U removed from fringe fitting.

KATH12M (Ke/A): Ok. YARRA12M (Yg/Y): Ok.



Other comments: a clock break in clock rates reported by the correlator for HOBART12. The effect is visible only for the single band delays, no additional break were added to the station. A small clock break is on YARRA12M baselines at the X-band.

Session Statistics

Observations:     2104 scheduled 
                  2031 correlated (in database)
                  1853 recoverable (usable)
                  1783 used
Session fit:        36.421 ps

Station Performance

                         Number of Observations
                  Scheduled   Recoverable*        Used   % of scheduled
                                                            obs used
HOBART12                471           387          369        78.3%
KATH12M                 546           495          480        87.9%
YARRA12M                504           447          431        85.5%
---------------   ---------   -----------    ---------       ------
Station Total**        2104          1853         1783        84.7%
MISSED:    Station was scheduled, but it did not observe.
NOT CORR:  Station was scheduled but not correlated.
NOT USED:  Usable data was generated for this station,
           but the analyst rejected it all.