Recorded to USN-0119 (along with crf84 bound for Washington), start 1883
23:30 UT: Antenna moving off source, but subsequently reaquiring target (Ross).
23:32 and 01:05 UT: Antenna stuck, but problem resolved itself (Ross).
01:47 UT: Antenna still moving off source for most/every source (Ross).
05:44 UT: As above, antenna still moving off source for most/every source (Ross).
07:18 Antenna stuck, then onsource/TRACKING, then off-source and re-acquired - kept repeating through scan 311-0722 (Ellen)
11:40 e-remote keeps disconnecting and trying (though failing) to reconnect, even though there is nothing wrong with the network - I can still connect to the pcfsyg VNC and timeing VNC. I tried restarting e-remote and then closing it completely but that didn't work. Dave's backup works but I can't set up the log monitor with that. (Ellen)
12:30 eventually got e-remote to work again, no idea how (Ellen)