03:18UT UPS for ops-2 died (go figure). Jamie fixed it though. No scans were missed at Katherine (Hobart was still in wind stow and we power cycled the DBBC at Yarragadee). (Ellen)
Module: USN-0202, start pos ~270 GB
00:27UT Windstow (Ellen)
01:20UT Halted schedule due to windstow (because I forgot to do it earlier…) Bad scans 016-0027a to 016-0114, inclusive. (Ellen)
02:19UT Schedule resumed at scan 016-0228, only needed to type in “schedule=…” as opposed to restarting the FS (yay). Missing 016-0120b to 016-0222a. (Ellen)
02:32UT Windstowed again. Scans 016-0228 and 0230b good, scan 016-0233a bad. Schedule halted again at 02:38UT. (Ellen)
03:50UT Schedule resumed. Missing 016-0238a to 0345. (Ellen)
07:46UT antenna wind stowed 07:53 auto stow released succeeded (yeah!). missed scans: 016-0744 (parts) to 016-0751a inclusive (Lucia).
07:58UT stowed again. 08:04 auto-release successful. missed scans: 016-0759 to 016-0804 (Lucia).
18:03UT Module ran out of space; instead of swapping I decided to miss the last 4 scans (016-1803 to 1824a). (Ellen)
Module: HOB+0034, start pos ~2270 GB
Module: UAO-0018 (first 49 GB), USN-0093
UT 19:01 Quickly swapped to module B USN-0093 as per instructions from site staff (JS)
23:55UT Autocorrelation really dodgey in band 5 and quite fuzzy in bands 6 - 13. Tsys continuously overflowed in band 5, often very high/overflowing in band 6. (Ellen)
01:10UT Tsys bands 05 - 08 all negative, but Autocorrelation has come good. (Ellen)
01:42UT Tsys band 05 overflowed, 06 - 08 too high (~490-660) consistently. (Ellen)
03:22UT Halted schedule to give dbbc a full power cycle to try and fix tsys values. It didn't work, bands 05 - 08 are still bad. Missed scans 016-0322 to 0345. (Ellen)
05:43UT Tsys bands are all reasonable. (Ellen)
06:20UT antenna waiting at limit for scan 016-0624 (Az: +269.98, El: 43.36). Slewed to next source without troubles. (Lucia)
07:01UT weird Tsys values again - details in checklist (Lucia)