Hobart 26m
Module: HOB+0096, start pos 6991.943 GB
18:30 UT - Experiment started ok. (Ellen)
00:34UT - Drive PC failed, had to halt the schedule and restart the Drive PC. Scans 282-0031 and 282-0037b are there, but may not be ok. (Imogen)
06:34 UT - SX receiver parameter pressure is 4.9. Warren is going to drive out and fix it. (Ellen)
07:20 UT - The pressure is down to 1.8 and the temps are falling slowly back down. (Ellen)
Module: HOB+0042, start pos 242.307 GB
18:30 UT - Experiment started ok. (Ellen)
00:09 UT - Mark 5 lost connection to Field System, had to halt schedule. SSReset did not reset it, did a hard reboot of Mark 5. As it turns out, the connection to the Mark 5 has been lost. Antenna stowed until someone can attend the telescope to fix (Imogen)
02:20UT - Problem with mk5ke, have to switch to mk5-2ke to record to that until the other mark 5 is fixed. (Imogen)
03:56UT - changed mk5 over to mk5-2ke, began recording again. Autocorrelations on channels 1 and 14 are really not good, but all other channels are fine for now. (Imogen)
06:00 UT - Autocorrelation has large spikes in bands 01 and 14. (Ellen)
06:30 UT - Since mk5-2ke is being used the “clkoff” values are wrong and will set off alarms every scan. I changed this in the log monitor to now only beep every scan (Configure > Delay Monitoring > Audible Warning). The delay differences must be checked manually using the command “clkoff-2” and comparing that with “maserdelay”. (Ellen)
06:30 UT - Autocorrelation still bad in those 2 bands. (Ellen)
1200 UT – Edited midob
procedure to call clkoff-2 rather than clkoff. (Dave)
Module: USN-0204, start pos 0 GB
18:30 UT - Experiment started ok. (Ellen)
21:50 UT - The disc pos is already falling behind, while Ke and Ho are fine. I have noticed that Yg starts recording up to 5 seconds later than it should on some scans. (Ellen)
09:30 UT - Disc pos ~30
GB behind schedule. (Ellen)