Hobart 26m:
Disk VSN: HOB+0114
Data volume at beginning: 4742.167 GB
Windstowed from 06:00 UT, possibly earlier. (Ellen)
08:00 UT - Disc position ~100
GB behind schedule. (Ellen)
08:55 UT - Antenna did not recover after windstow. Had to restart the field system. Missed scan 324-0855. (Ellen)
09:58 UT - Disc position ~130
GB behind schedule. (Ellen)
Disk position ~120
GB behind schedule —
Ross Turner 2015/11/20 13:31
Katherine 12m:
Disk VSN: GSFC+011
Data volume at beginning: 3315.424 GB
Yarragadee 12m:
Disk VSN: NAIC-005
Data volume at beginning: 0.000 GB