Module: HOB+0104, 10720.133 GB
18:30 UT - Experiment started OK (Ross)
05:50 UT - antenna loast connection. Error '999 TCP/IP connection was closed by remote peer Error return from antenna, see Mbus error'. 'antenna=open' fixed it. I am not sure if any effects on observations. Duration of alrm: 05:47-05:52. (Lucia)
06:35UT - log file (r4722hberc.txt) stopped writing. Created r4722hb_econtrol.log (Jonathan)
Module: OSOD-117, 115.384 GB
Module: SHAO-020, 0.000 GB
18:30 UT - Experiment started OK (Ross)
23:15 UT - alarm rings: acu time difference exceeds 0.25 sec between 23:13 & 23:16 UT. All time differences look fine. This should just have been a communications problem to the antenna unit. All fine again now. (Lucia)
06:35UT - log file (r4722yg_econtrol.log) stopped writing. Created r4722yg_econtrol_2.log (Jonathan)