18:33 UT - Experiment started 6 min late due to slow setup (Missed scans 042-1830b to 042-1836). (Bryn)
00:37 UT - the wind sensor in Ke is broken. Brett disconnected it last week, now it is sending a 'stow-command' in the System Monitor. This should be ignored and does not actually cause the antenna to stow. (Lucia)
14:10 UT Accidently cycled Hb DBBC instead of Ke.. scans affected: 043-1408, 043-1411, 043-1414, 043-1422, 043-1426a, 043-1433, 043-1434b, 043-1440b
14:30 UT DBBC timeout. Rebooted DBBC and ran fmset
14:55 UT restarted PCFS due to log monitor not displaying 'recording'
15:23 UT ALARM: Delay through DBBC has changed. Monitor for stability and reset DBBC if it drifts. Rebooted DBBC and reran fmset again
15:44 UT ALARM: Delay through DBBC has changed. & WARNING: Mark5 reports sync error. Recording seems to be OK, possibly due to break in schedule?
15:52 UT ALARM: Large difference between formatter and maser delays. & Still Mark5 sync error. Ran fmset to resync, syncerror_gt_3 is now syncerr_eq_0
Restarted on scan 043-1608. Appears to be OK now. (missed 043-1448b, 043-1451, 043-1453a, 043-1456a, 043-1501, 043-1505, 043-1507, 043-1511b, 043-1517, 043-1523, 043-1531, 043-1534, 043-1538b, 043-1540, 043-1544b, 043-1551, 043-1555, 043-1604 due to halting the schedule to restart the dbbc, and due to mark5 sync errors)