Disk VSN: HOB+0034
Data Volume at Beginning: 0 GB
Disk VSN: USN-0032
Data Volume at Beginning: 0 GB
Disk VSN: GSFC+025
Data Volume at Beginning: 0 GB
Having lots of issues with IFs in setup. Keep getting WARNING: error s1 -104 ifpcn: time-out, connection closed. Can't use ifnom to set IF attenuations (all zero) - and can't get it to work with resetting monica.
I've tried restarting the pcfs and Monica to fix the ifpcn timeout issues and get systemp12 working. Autocorrelation and power levels in iread both look fine. I can't reach on-call, so I'm starting the experiment anyway. (Bryn)
18:30UT Experiment started OK. (Bryn)
21:00UT Disk pos lagging by 20GB - probably due to the issues with monica. (Bryn)
00:30 UT: IF unit has a fault, probably with the PIC. No noise diode control at the moment, so no Tsys. Power levels into DBBC are OK though. (Jim)