1711UT .sum file isn't written anywhere that I can find, and I'm not sure how to build a sum file from a .vex (JS)
1723UT The calu can't be released to the rakbus, needs to be switched manually before temps can be displayed (JS)
22:15UT Antenna had multiple panics and got stuck on it's side, halted schedule and stopped recording while Brett fixes (Imogen)
22:40UT There was a power outage at Mt Pleasant which caused everything to crash. The generator is now operating everything, schedule was restarted at 22:49UT. (Imogen)
01:30UT Wind stow, schedule halted. While the antenna is in wind stow, Brett and Eric are fixing a problem with receiver communication. (Imogen)
02:36UT Schedule restarted after wind had died down and receiver communication problem fixed. (Imogen)
02:41UT Had to restart field system as it had lost connection with the drive pc, had to reboot drive pc and Hobart control pc, restarted field system and restarted schedule at 02:56UT. (Imogen)
03:31UT another power interruption caused the field system to become unresponsive, had to restart the field system. (Imogen)
06:13UT Vacuumed cryos. Restored tsys measurements with `calu -m pcfs` (Dave)