Experiment started okay (Nick).
erc is not recognizing setupsx as a command. (Nick)
setup8f for this experiment (Warren)
348.22:35 UT wind stow, released 22:39 lost scan 348-2235 (Warren)
349:00:23 to 01:19 UT wind stow missed scans 349-0020 through 349-0143 (Warren)
349.02:32 to 04:21 UT windstowed, scans affected 349-0237 through 349-0413 (Warren)
data 255
GB less than scheduled due to stows (Warren)
349.05:06 windstowed scans 349-0509, 349-0519 (Warren)
got most of scan 349-0535 between stows (Warren)
windstowed for scan 349-0554 to 349-0605b (Warren)
windstowed for scan 349-0638 (Ross)