Hobart 26m
Disk VSN: HOB+0124/32000 | Data volume at beginning: 26713.327GB
17:30 UT - Experiment has started however, telescope is stowed due to high winds (38 km/h). (Tiege)
19:30 UT - Telescope has stopped constantly wind stowing. (Tiege)
22:50 UT - Telescope has continued to go in and out of windstows for the past few hours, the comments.py script should pick out all the affected scans. (Tiege)
00:01 UT - Schedule halted due to high winds and to save on disk space (JMc)
06:00 UT - Schedule resumed after end of windstow. First good data 255-0600 (JMc)
Scans missed: All between 0001 and 0600 due to windstow.