Hobart 26m
Disk VSN: HOB+0132 | Data volume at beginning: 7178 GB
1800UT Experiment started OK (Katie)
1815UT Was getting the 'previous source not reached before new source commanded' error after every scan. Wind was low so no recent wind stows. Noticed that another fs output after every scan was 'Antenna drives not on, switching them on'. Checked the live page and drives were off.Trying using the onsource command but that did not work. Solution was to go to vdesk (type in newsmerd) then 'abort' and then 'drvon'. This clears any previous commands that the antenna gets stuck on. (Katie)
First scan 191-1855 (Katie).
0220 - 0558 Ho26 windstowed, no useful data in this time range. (JMc)
11:40UT Start windstow (Lucas).