
Hobart 12m:

Disk VSN: HOB+0047/6000/1024

Data volume at beginning: 1665.252 GB

Missed scans running tally (for end of experiment email convenience-Arwin)

  1. 133-0534a through to 133-0538 -wind stow
  2. 133-0641 (stowed mid scan for this) through to 133-0646a -wind stow
  3. 133 - 133-0534a through to 133-0538 -wind stow
  4. 133-0641 (stowed mid scan for this) through to 133-0646a -wind stow
  5. 133-0944 through to 133-1027 -wind stow + failure to recover
  6. 133-1113 -wind stow
  7. 133-1135 through to 133-1154 -wind stow + failure to recover
  8. 133-1224 through to 133-1239 -wind stow
  9. 133-1305 through to end