Hobart 26m

Disk VSN: HOB+0131/32000/1024 (Data volume at beginning: 20237.4 GB)

  1. Experiment started late (17:54:57 UT). Need to change configuration of Mark5 into setup01.
  2. Missed scans no0324 - no0327 (mas)
  3. Received several warnings: error sc -13 setc1: formatter to fs time difference 0.5 seconds or greater. Have checked fmset, maserdelay and clkoff, all are OK (mas)

Katherine 12m

Disk VSN: HOB+0129/32000 (Data volume at beginning: 0.00 GB)

  1. Experiment started late (17:41:59 UT). Need to change configuration of Mark5 into setup01.
  2. Missed scans no0324 - no0325 (mas)

Yarragadee 12m

Disk VSN: HOB+0128/32000 (Data volume at beginning: 0.00 GB)

  1. Experiment started late (17:49:14 UT). Need to change configuration of Mark5 into setup01.
  2. Missed scans no0324 - no0326 (mas)