
Hobart 26m

Disk VSN: USN+0224/8000 | Data volume at beginning: 2.308 GB

  1. Automatic wind stowed started from the first scan 197-1730 at 1730 UT. Halt the schedule. Missed scans 197-1730 to 197-1744 (mas)
  2. Resumed the schedule at 1754 UT. Start recording at 1806 UT (scan 197-1806) (mas)
  3. 23:58 UT wind stow (warren)
  4. 01:17 UT wind stow released; not on source for scans 198-0000 through 198-0101 (w)
  5. 01:25 UT back on source for scan 198-0125 (w)
  6. 02:46 UT wind stow (w)
  7. 04:57 UT wind stow released; missed scans 198-0246 through 198-0458 (w)
  8. 05:02 UT back on source for scan 198-0504 (w)
  9. 0715UT Can't access delaylive ho plot. there is some connection issue with pcfsho. (Jay)
  10. 1024UT wind stow started (Jay)
  11. 1119UT wind stow released; missed scans 198-1019 through 198-1119.
  12. 1125UT - error -No space left on device. Warren deleted some data to free up some space.
  13. 1145UT - error - can't record while other data transfers. Had to reboot mk5. still no useful data. (Jay)
  14. 1220UT - back on wind stow.will keep an eye for wind's condition (Jay)
  15. 1320UT - Back on surce. Missed scans 198-1025 to 198-1113. (Earl)
  16. 1433ut - Wind stow. Missed scans 198-1445 to 198-1427. (Earl)