In order to make it easier to keep up to date with the most recent publications, please order them chronologically (newest on top).
R. Haas, A. Neidhardt, J. Kodet, C. Plötz, U. Schreiber, G. Kronschnabl, S. Pogrebenko, D. Duev, S. Casey, I. Marti-Vidal, J. Yang, L. Plank: The Wettzell-Onsala G130128 Experiment – VLBI Observations of a GLONASS Satellite; in: D. Behrend, K. Baver, K. Armstrong (eds); IVS 2014 General Meeting Proceedings: VGOS: The New VLBI Network, Science Press, International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry, pp. 451 - 455. 2014.
A. Hellerschmied, J. Böhm, A. Neidhardt, J. Kodet, R. Haas, L. Plank: Scheduling VLBI observations to satellites with VieVS; IAG Commission 1 Symposium 2014 Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences (REFAG2014); Luxembourg; 2014.
A. Hellerschmied, L. Plank, A. Neidhardt, R. Haas, J. Böhm, C. Plötz, J. Kodet: Observing Satellites with VLBI Radio Telescopes – Practical Realization at Wettzell-; in: D. Behrend, K. Baver, K. Armstrong (eds); IVS 2014 General Meeting Proceedings: VGOS: The New VLBI Network, Science Press, International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry, pp. 441 - 445. 2014.
J. Kodet, K.U. Schreiber, Ch. Plötz, A. Neidhardt, G. Kronschnabl, R. Haas, G. Molera Calvés, S. Pogrebenko, M. Rothacher, B. Männel, L. Plank, A. Hellerschmied: Co-locations of Space Geodetic Techniques on Ground and in Space; in: D. Behrend, K. Baver, K. Armstrong (eds); IVS 2014 General Meeting Proceedings: VGOS: The New VLBI Network, Science Press, International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry, pp. 446 - 450. 2014.
Y. Kwak, J. Böhm, T. Hobiger, L. Plank: On the Analysis of VLBI Observations to GNSS Satellites; IAG Commission 1 Symposium 2014 Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences (REFAG2014); Luxembourg; 2014.
L. Plank, J. Böhm, H. Schuh. Precise station positions from VLBI observations to satellites: a simulation study; Journal of Geodesy, 88:7:659-673. 2014.
L. Plank:
VLBI satellite tracking for the realization of frame ties; Dissertation; Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 95. Schriftenreihe der Studienrichtung Vermessung und Geoinformation, Technische Universität Wien. ISSN 1811-8380. 2014.