7z files a hassle
TLE copied to station.tle
200aKe[Yg].vex moved to /usr2/sched
edited vex file to change experiment name to 200a rather than 200aKe (or Yg)
Ran drudg. Ran satsnapchecker.pl (after editing it for this experiment)
Still needed to change proc and sip file names to 200ake[yg]
edited proc file to change mk5 mode to 4 Mbps
Added checkmk5 procedure
Tried 1sec updates. Works but can't stop it with a @ command (not enough time?). 2 sec updates are OK though, so going with them.
Added some lines to the start of the snap file to put the antenna at the correct az and el for the start of the track.
2016 07 18 at Ke
Started in the wrong Azimuth wrap!
2 sec updates blocked all other FS scheduled commands
Went to 5 sec for end of track and some data were recorded
Look for data between 10:18:30 and 10:20:30 UT