Chair/Presenting: Ross
Nick, Jamie, Liz, Jonny, Tiege, Ellen, Lucia, Jim, Jesse
Not Attending:
Lucas, Arwin
General Issues:
New time?
Hobart 26m wind stowing or being stowed after Jim's observations, requires a manual reset an a trip to Mt Pleasant.
Send to track to something else, e.g. South pole?
Don't stow antenna at end!
Tell Jim P not to stow antenna.
Go to antenna if windy??
Organising Modules; need a way of informing observers which module to use.
r1 come to Hobart, r4 go Washington from yg and ke. r1 and r4 not on same module.
Going to a different place, put on a different module (in general).
Warren puts module in, can he write on handover notes which experiment it's for.
Night-time observations (what is expected as an observer and what is safe?):
Lounge fit out
Do not disturb sign?
Issues taken from handover notes
Action item