Chair/Presenting: Jonny/Ross
In Attendance: Jonny, Ross, Tiege, Jamie, Arwin, Jim, Jesse, Bryn
Apologies: Lucas, Liz, Nick, Ellen, Lucia
Meeting roster
12 hr shifts
disk deficit not on hb checklist
Has the slogit been edited to make summary files read only.
The new script has had an update. Automatic missed scan reporting for ho 26m has now been added. You can list scans missed by commenting “t1 for start and “t2 for end, it will list all the scans missed between these two times. It Probably knows your name and the names of other observers who have done the checklist for the current experiment.
It currently has two bugs. Firstly, it can lose the one scan's worth of data recorded for every module change during the experiment. Secondly, it fails when the field system time is completely wrong, revert to in this case.
Remember if you're on 9-5 to check if the correct KE module is loaded for the next experiment
Handover notes issues:
OHIG106 (Hb): Issue with drives getting stuck - resetting HMI didn't work but eventually they came back online. The clock on HMI was out but 'reboot central' fixed the issue
R1778 (KE): weather wasn't being logged (JL investigating)
wind measurements for Hb and Ke are stuck in the system monitor