Chair: Tiege
Attended: Tiege, Katie, Earl, Simin, Mas, Lucas, Patrick, Momtaz, Jay, Prad
Apologies: Lim, Ross
General Issues
Please make sure you are carefully checking the roster for shifts, especially for months where I have noted odd experiments.
WTH command not working at Ke still
Can someone edit the wiki with the pcfshb fs command that continually runs clkoffs every 30s.
Handover Issues
Katherine FS crashed (twice)
Ke: After reset systemp12 magically worked again too. Annoyingly inconsistent and unexplained (Lucas).
Ke: Zero values return in response to wth command(Simin).
Ke: 2019.120.14:16:36.02?ERROR ib -402 GPIB(enol) write handshake error, CHECK instrument and cable, W1 (EARL)
One time error, perhaps related to the fs crashing and coming back up.
perhaps try counter command if running into GPIB issues.
Ke: 2019.120.14:49:21.10?ERROR tc -302 TPICD not set-up: no detectors selected. (EARL)
Ho: 1320 UT: e-remote control lost connection (unable to reconnect), antenna doesn't seem to respond. antenna= commands didn't work. (Lim)
Ho: 13:57 UT: terminated boss, restarted fs-mk5ho, did quick setup, valid scan 107-1405a. (missed scans: 07-1325b, 107-1338, 107-1342, 107-1348, 107-1351b) (Lim)