Chair: Tiege
Attended: Tiege, Ross, Lucas, Simin, Patrick, Katie, Mas, Momtaz, Jamie.
Apologies: Lim, Earl, Jay
General Issues
Need to fill out the meeting roster
New machine in AuScope room
replacement for ops4 - half setup currently, no ERC. Ops4 is no longer.
New display machine with times etc.
Hobart 26m 70k stage getting too warm despite cryogenics and vacuum pressure parameters being optimal (AOV036 and AUA053)
New little script thing - 'logit' - can run logit in ke or yg pcfs machine and it will cut out some of the junk (especially at ke)
First test of the FLEXBUFF at Yg has happened, appears to be working OK. Need to determine a way to record to both mk5 and flexbuff.
Handover Issues