Chair: Katie
next week's chair: Patrick
Attended: Mas, Jamie, Tiege, Patrick
Absent: Jay, Lim, Lucas
General Issues
Handover Issues
R4921 Ho:
Antenna drives not working. Had to go into vdesk and type drvon then slew.
Remaining issues with rack being corrected, field system again rebooted. Hobart field system pc also full (apparently) and needed files deleting.
restart hobart, fix mk4 rack and receiver comms, mk5hb locked up with spectest issue (warren)
R1922 and R4920 Yg:
ifc power levels are all over the place again, this seems to be a persistent issue, I have tried all the same things I tried last time (R4920) but it does not seem to be stabilising. is this just due to increasing RFI at Yg?