Chair: Patrick
next week's chair: Katie
Attended: Mas, Earl, Tiege, Jamie, Katie, Prad, Eloise
General Issues
Remote observing: anyone tried it? comments, questions, tips?
Seems to work well.
Still access card only after Easter, but UTAS is strongly discouraging people to be on campus. Might change.
Some problems with network access. Waiting on IT department for support for this.
There are notes for using SSH gateway as an alternative to VPN. Linked off remote observing page, walks through setting up an SSH tunnel.
checkmk5 procedure missing from proc files?
Mixed mode updates?
Fibre works on Mon/Tues
ops-serv2 was left off after power works 2 weeks ago.
Ho drives:
One of the drives can struggle to start. Motor encoder, affecting Y2 drive.
Might need to start drives (using vdesk), then let it sit for a bit before moving it.
Can see this looking at camera. Y2 drive current meter doesn't move.
If it still doesn't work, this is a job for Brett or Warren
Eric will probably need to replace motor encoder.
Handover Issues
wrong receiver on axis.
Mk5 module write protect error
Module was used in Tidbinbilla (modified mk5C). Causes issues if it's not erased before recording. Can't add to the module.
Possibly not an issue with jive5ab, vs. dimino
Focus platform linear bearings came loose, needed fixing
Have intercom to listen to cryogenics in focus cabin
Heard clunking, paused observation to go up and fix it.
Daily check from Mt Pleasant is good.
Received continuous errors “Allocating memory for antenna monitoring”. Fix was rebooting sys26m.
Usually because drive pc has run out of monitoring points. Possibly due to network issues.
Can often fix by terminating field system & restarting
Check for any unnecessary / spare vdesk sessions & close them
Guaranteed way to fix is rebooting sys26m, but this takes a while (~4 minutes)