Chair: Lim
Next meeting chair: Simin
Attended: Mas, Katie, Guifre, Jamie, Earl, Prad, Jay
Apologies: Simin, Eloise, Patrick
General Issues
Ho26 S/X receiver sensitivity issue solved after LNA Power supply repair. Nominal temperature reading again. Cryo issue now.
Note: Brett on leave, Warren on its own now at Mt Pleasant.
Handover Issues
Ho26: maserhb seems to be down (Simin)
Computer runs the software has failed. (windows 7 image, can clone the drive, somehow.. Cannot monitoring the maser yet at the moment)
Ho26: errors“ Delay trough DBBC has changed. Monitor for stability and reset DBBC if it drifts” (Mas)
Lost sync through dbbc, power cycle seems to have solved it. PRC file wasn't calling the monitoring command, seems to be commented out. pps_delay slips while the fmset looks correct, not sure what issue there is.