Mailing lists : people involved in operations (organisation, logistics, data transfers etc) : Our observers : Local people at Katherine : Local people at Mt Pleasant, Hobart : Local people at Yarragadee : Local staff at all three sites (i.e. auscope-ke, auscope-hb, auscope-yg) : Curtin correlator people
Phone numbers
Use this address for courier deliveries to Mt Pleasant:
Brett Reid (03) 6248 5285
UTAS Radiotelescope
Denholms Road
Cambridge 7170 Tas
Since we do not have a letter box at the Hobart observatory, use this address if you are going to use Australia Post:
Brett Reid (03) 6248 5285
University of Tasmania
School of Mathematics and Physics
Private Bag 37
Hobart 7001
UTAS Radiotelescope 08 8973 8311
CDU Rural Campus
PMB 155
Katherine 0852 NT
Use above for items being delivered by Australian airExpress or Australia Post
UTAS Radiotelescope
Charles Darwin University - Katherine Rural Campus
16 km North on Stuart Hwy
Katherine 0852
Attention: Martin Ephgrave
phone 08 8973 8313
General deliveries (under 20 kg)
UTAS Radiotelescope
c/o Geoscience Australia
P.O. Box 137
Dongara WA 6525
Contact: Randall Carman (ph: 61-8-99291011)
If a PO box is not acceptable:
Mr. Randall Carman
10 Smith Street
Dongara WA 6525
Contact: Randall Carman (ph: 61-8-99291011)
Deliveries over 20 kg
If 2 people can lift the item and it fits into the back of a 2400×1800 Hilux ute-tray, then use the following address:
UTAS Radiotelescope, Yarragadee Geodetic Observatory
Geoscience Australia
Dongara Deal Freight Depot (Dave Hoey: M: 0418 939440)
Bailey St, Dongara WA 6525
Contact: Mr Randall Carman (Ph. 99291011)
If forklift needed, use address following:
UTAS Radiotelescope
Yarragadee Geodetic Observatory
C/- Marsdens transport Company
Lot 60 Bailey St
Dongara W. A. 6525
(attn Randall Carman Ph. 99291011)
Marsden would then transport to site and unload.
Driving directions
This route is not the shortest but only has 6 km of gravel. The gravel roads around here are in only fair shape due to large volume of truck movements.
Come up the Brand highway (1) and don't get off for any alt routes.
7 km from Dongara you will come to a âTâ intersection, Turn right to Mingenew (116).
Go into Mingenew and turn left over the railway line.
Stay on this road for approx 1 1/2 km and you will see Depot Hill Road on your left, turn here (aka Allanooka Springs Rd, Geraldton 100 km).
Stay on this road for approx 15 - 16 km and you will come to a sweeping left hand corner (Altered intersection, 80 km/h).
Half way around this corner, on the right, is a gravel road called Depot Hill Road, North. Turn Here.
Follow this gravel road for 6 Km and you will see us on the right at the 2142 RSM (Road Side Marker).