There are three IPSs that can can be used to reboot computers in the event they are unreachable using normal (ssh/vnc) methods.
They are:
They have a fairly straightforward web interface. The username for all three is 'admin', and the password should be the standard root password, however one may be non standard. If you run into any problems you should consult your on-call person.
You may receive a 'Server is Busy' and/or 'There may be someone else logged in to the ips' error. In this case you can still telnet in:
telnet ******* /Off 5 /On 5 /X
In this case we are restarting plug 5.
(Note that scripts exist at Katherine to control the lights and reset the webcam)
After this you will need to restart and reconfigure the DBBC, instructions are here:
In econtrol to get the DBBC talking to the mk5:
In pcfs[hb|ke|yg] sync everything:
In econtrol reset the counters for clkoff and maserdelay:
A clkoff and maserdelay would also be wise to check the delays are OK and stable.
List of ports available for on/off/boot at Katherine:
Plug Name Status On - Installed 2 of power distribution units (PDU). These are like an 8 way power board that have individually switched outputs. They can be switched from a web interface at the following 2 links: \\ [[|]] \\ [[|]] The user is admin and the password is the same one we use for the internet power switches. \\ PDU1KE so far has wifi, cduke (network maint computer) and the interior light. \\ PDU2KE so far has mk5-2ke and the GPIB controller. Off Boot Default 1 pcfske ON ON 2 mk5ke ON ON 3 timeke ON ON 4 windke ON ON 5 DBBC ON ON 6 Camera ON ON 7 ExteriorLight OFF OFF 8 AgilentUSBHub ON ON
At Katherine there are two power distribution units (PDU). These are like an 8 way power board that have individually switched outputs. They can be switched from a web interface at the following 2 links:
The user is admin and the password is the same one we use for the internet power switches.
PDU1KE so far has wifi, cduke (network maint computer) and the interior light.
PDU2KE so far has mk5-2ke and the GPIB controller.