R1 and R4 are the IVS “Rapid” experiments meaning their turnaroud time (from observation to the ready product) should be less than 15 days. They supply fast EOP results. R1 data are correlated in Bonn, Germany, and it is sent there by e-transfer. More about rapids can be found here: http://ivscc.gsfc.nasa.gov/program/descrip2011.html#r1
AuScope normally observes R1's on Tuesdays. The data from the remote stations is sent down to Hobart to be transferred. Shipment of the modules may take up to 5 working days, meaning the Ke and Yg modules arrive next week. Thus, in order to facilitate the timely delivery of the data to the correlator, we have to act as fast as we can with those modules, that's where we need help of the observers.
Data transfer consists of two stages: 1) module-RAID and 2) RAID-correlator. Observers monitor the longest and most wulnerable second stage. Data on th RAID is stored as it was recorded, in a form of separate files each containing one scan. The tsunami UDP transfer protocol is used to send the files to the RAIDS at Bonn correlator. Tsunami server breaks data into 32kb numbered blocks and sends them consequtively, communicating with the remote host over TCP about the reception of each block. Based on the hosts report, blocks can be resend. It uses pre-set data rate. More about tsunami can be found here: http://tsunami-udp.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tsunami-udp/docs/howTsunamiWorks.txt
How to monitor e-transfers:
If on top of the page of Handover Notes you see the following text:
There are two options: either have the transfer window running somewhere on the screen during all the time of your shift, or check it roughly every two hours together with the check lists. In any case, the procedure is the following:
vncviewer vortex:1
(if for some reason you observe from your desktop or the home machine, you will need show the full path to vortex:
vncviewer vortex.phys.utas.edu.au:1
./ncBonn.sh [Serial number of transfer]_[server name from "Sent from"]_stop [Enter]
(Alternatively, you can call the previous instances of this command with the up arrow and edit)