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Edit the TempHumid.conf file accordingly (see below), then either restart the software by typing CTRL-C in the start_THRecord xterm or by rebooting the Pi.

Temperature and Humidity monitoring Software

Software, config file etc are stored in ~pi/TempHumid


The file TempHumid.conf describes which of the digital pins have sensors attached to them. e.g:

	gpio = 2
	label = Hub
	sensor = 11
	attached = True

The bin directory contains the executables:


Accelerometer, Analog temp/humid monitoring Software

A work in progress… The accelerometer data are available via the web but an alarm system for jolts needs to be implemented. At the moment, no analog temp/humid sensors are in use.

Software for IR remote control of aircon

A work in progress… Some preliminary work has been done but we are having trouble 'learning' the remote.