Meeting notes for the 19th May 2016


Chair/Presenting: Jonathan/Tiege

Attendees: Jonathan 8-), Arwin, Lucas, Byrn, Jim, Liz, Tiege, Jesse, Ross

Apologies: Jamie, Lucia, Ellen


  1. Remember, HMI will tell you what's going on with the drives
  1. Only matters if it's meant to actually be on source (i.e. when it's recording, not during the pre-ob)
  1. gpib issues? Only thing not working after a reboot (via IPS)
  2. communication appears to lock up after a pcfs reboot
  3. Jim having a crack and fixing this
  1. PCFS controls antenna, DBBC and mk5. eRemoteCtrl is an easy access interface that we use here (so we don't have to VNC in and look at the fs)
  2. Jim: Install mosh on pcfshb
  1. Noted.