Files in pcfs[hb|yg|ke]:/usr2/econtrol
cd make make -f Makefile.[hb|ke|yg] prepare make -f Makefile.[hb|ke|yg] build
GUI software in git repository AuscopeUtils/econtrol/gui/econtrol_gui_[hb|ke|yg].
In the make subdirectory, set the following port numbers in Makefile.econtrol:
Hb TCP: 50225 UDP: 50226
Ke TCP: 50227 UDP: 50228
Yg TCP: 50229 UDB: 50230
In config-econtrol subdirectory, edit RPCClient.conf and change
<Site> → Name <Site><System> → name <Site><System> → IPAddress <Site><System> → PortBinding to match the Makefile
Then for each station:
cd make make -f Makefile.econtrol clean make -f Makefile.econtrol build