
This installation was done in Ubuntu 10.10 (32 bit) running as a virtual machine under VirtualBox with a fresh install.

Connect to in pub/sked and downloaded skedall_2010Sep02.tgz and sked_install.rtf installation notes (rtf format).

In Ubuntu, had to install the following using Synaptic Package Manager:

Installed Intel Fortran

In ~/sked, created sked_source and unpacked .tgz file there cd ~/sked/sked_source, edited set_misc

# Set compilers and libraries for linking sked 
# History
#  2008Mar21  JMGipson first version
#  2009Mar03  JMGipson. Put in options so that it would be compatible with HP-UX.
# Set the compilers and linkers:

#setenv FC gfortran
#setenv LINK gfortran
setenv FC "/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/073/bin/ia32/ifort -I skdrincl -c -fpp -nus -static -g -D READ_LINE"
setenv LINK "/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/073/bin/ia32/ifort -D READ_LINE"
setenv CC   "gcc -c -g -m32"
# Begin HP vs linux differences #
#   Following are for HP. Uncomment if appropriate.
#setenv SKED_HEAD sked_hp.o
#setenv ARCHIV "ar -qc"
#setenv VEX_LIB "../vex/vex_hp.a"
#  Following are for linux. Uncomment if appropriate.
setenv SKED_HEAD sked_lnx.o
setenv VEX_LIB "../vex/vex.a"
setenv ARCHIV "ar -sqc"
# End HP vs linux differences.  
#if are using READ_LINE, then use read_cmdline_new.o
#setenv READ_CMDLINE read_cmdline.o
setenv READ_CMDLINE read_cmdline_new.o 
# PATHS to various libraries
setenv ATLAS_LIB /usr/lib/atlas-base/libatlas.a  
setenv BLAS_LIB  /usr/lib/libblas/libblas.a 
setenv CURSES_LIB /usr/lib/libncurses.a
setenv FLEX_LIB  -lfl
setenv READLINE_LIB -lreadline
#setenv READLINE_LIB " "
# If you want to link to the mysql, include the following (or something similar)
setenv MYSQL_LIB /usr/lib/
setenv MYSQL_INT mysql_int.o
# If you don't want to link uncomment the following
#setenv MYSQL_LIB 
#setenv MYSQL_INT mysql_stub.o

Then ./make_sked

Copy skedf.ctl from FTP site