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APOD tracking test.

# Schedule summary for session: 317b                                              #
Nominal start:     2016-11-12 21:35:00
Nominal end:       2016-11-12 22:09:49
Scan#  Source name              Type  Start [UT]  End [UT]  Dur [s]  Sations
1      0454-234                 q     21:35:00    21:35:30  30       Hb Ke Yg
2      0851+202                 q     21:36:16    21:36:46  30       Hb Ke Yg
3      1334-127                 q     21:37:31    21:38:01  30       Hb Ke Yg
4      1057-797                 q     21:38:46    21:39:24  38       Hb Ke Yg
5      0537-441                 q     21:40:01    21:40:31  30       Hb Ke Yg
6      PN1A [BAC]               s     21:46:06    21:52:04  358      Ke
7      PN1A [BAC]               s     21:52:05    21:54:46  161      Ke Yg
8      PN1A [BAC]               s     21:54:47    21:55:41  54       Yg
9      PN1A [BAC]               s     21:55:42    21:57:59  137      Hb Yg
10     0454-234                 q     22:03:45    22:04:15  30       Hb Ke Yg
11     1424-418                 q     22:05:11    22:05:41  30       Hb Ke Yg
12     1057-797                 q     22:06:18    22:06:56  38       Hb Ke Yg
13     0851+202                 q     22:08:02    22:08:32  30       Hb Ke Yg
14     0537-441                 q     22:09:19    22:09:49  30       Hb Ke Yg




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