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Recorded 454.71 GB to module UAO-0022
,WD-WCAS using the Mark5B+ recorder. The Module is being sent to Washington using DHL.

Known problems:

Needed to change modules to finish experiment. Tried to switch to Module A from Module B, BKG+0120 following scan 226-1319b, but no VSN label appeared following the switch, so switched back to Module B as I didn't think the module had switched over properly. Tried again following scan 226-1325a, but modules did not switch. Yg forced the switch to module A during scan 226-1334.

NB. There was no VSN label showing for Module A in econtrol. Also, the module being recorded to (Module B) has label BKG+1020, not UAO-0022, as indicated in the log. This has been confirmed by visual inspection of the module racks at Yg.The VSN for Module A, is USN-0070. Note: first complete scan on this module is 226-1348a.

Missed Scans:

Scan 226-1334 commenced as scheduled on Module B, BKG+1020, but was interruptedby switch to  Module A, USN-0070. 

Claire, Anita, Jacqui

/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/observing/r4598yg.txt · Last modified: 2013/08/28 23:14 by Jim Lovell