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Chair: Simin

Next meeting chair: Patrick

Attended: Mas, Pradyumna, Jamie, Jay, Katie, Earl, Tiege, Patrick


General Issues

  • Katherine will back next week.

Handover Issues

  • R1981
    • Ho26m: Error when setting up: SX receiver parameter pres out of range. This indicates that the pressure was too high (~6, should be less that 5. Not a big deal). Alarm ignored as there is nothing we can do about it. (Eloise & Warren)
  • T2P144
    • Ho26m: Drives shut down while slewing (Warren)
    • Experiment started 5 minutes (1735 UT) late due to ops8 schedules script not writing snp file in hobart:/usr2/sched/ (mas/warren)
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/agenda2021_01_14.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/14 02:06 by Simin Salarpour