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operations:cont14_observatory_check [2014/05/07 04:51]
Jim Lovell
operations:cont14_observatory_check [2014/05/16 05:04] (current)
David Horsley [CONT14 Observatory System Checkout Procedure]
Line 24: Line 24:
     * Follow the [[operations:​documentation_cont14_module_swap|CONT14 Module Swapping procedure]]     * Follow the [[operations:​documentation_cont14_module_swap|CONT14 Module Swapping procedure]]
   * If not running already, [[operations:​documentation:​start_monica|Start MONICA]] and choose the pre-set ''​aust_check''​ profile from the GUI for the antenna. e.g. for hobart <​code>​Navigator -> hb -> aust_check</​code>​ This will plot antenna coordinates,​ tracking errors and motor currents against time. Note this step is for the 12m antennas only.   * If not running already, [[operations:​documentation:​start_monica|Start MONICA]] and choose the pre-set ''​aust_check''​ profile from the GUI for the antenna. e.g. for hobart <​code>​Navigator -> hb -> aust_check</​code>​ This will plot antenna coordinates,​ tracking errors and motor currents against time. Note this step is for the 12m antennas only.
 +Note: need to start MONICA from the command line
 +ssh ops-serv2
 Now the checks can begin. Note that the procedure is different for the 12m antennas and Hobart 26m: Now the checks can begin. Note that the procedure is different for the 12m antennas and Hobart 26m:
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   - check the receiver position with ''​rxp''​. Should be -256, +248, +18 (x,​y,​z) ​   - check the receiver position with ''​rxp''​. Should be -256, +248, +18 (x,​y,​z) ​
-  - Use the remote controllable camera [[http://​|ptzhb]] to view the MarkIV rack for some of the next steps.+  - Use the remote controllable camera [[http://​|ptzhb]] to view the MarkIV rack for some of the next steps. ​(If it does not work with Chrome, try switching to Firefox)
   - Check all the Video Converters (VCs, or BBCs) are happy, ie no red lights and no nasty messages appearing in the log. Command ''​valarm''​ will turn off any remaining alarm lights on the VCs.   - Check all the Video Converters (VCs, or BBCs) are happy, ie no red lights and no nasty messages appearing in the log. Command ''​valarm''​ will turn off any remaining alarm lights on the VCs.
   - Chronic errors that can be ignored can be silenced with:<​code>​check=*,​-vf   - Chronic errors that can be ignored can be silenced with:<​code>​check=*,​-vf
 check=*,​-ifd check=*,​-ifd
 check=*,​-v1</​code>​ check=*,​-v1</​code>​
-  - Check that if3 is happy with no red lights. ​ You may need ''​if3=alarm''​ +  - Check that if3 (under resp. left of video converters) ​is happy with no red lights. ​ You may need ''​if3=alarm''​ 
-  - Check the formatter error light is off. You may need to do ''​form''​+  - Check the formatter error light is off (bottom right). You may need to do ''​form''​
   - Check that power reading for each VC USB (Upper Side Band) is between 0.1 and 1.0 volt   - Check that power reading for each VC USB (Upper Side Band) is between 0.1 and 1.0 volt
   - Check Tsys with the ''​caltsys''​ command works. Caltsys should return results between 50 and 70K except possibly for RFI affected S-band channels   - Check Tsys with the ''​caltsys''​ command works. Caltsys should return results between 50 and 70K except possibly for RFI affected S-band channels
   - Check that fmout-gps works with a ''​clkoff''​ and that it's about 10 - 12 us   - Check that fmout-gps works with a ''​clkoff''​ and that it's about 10 - 12 us
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/operations/cont14_observatory_check.1399438287.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/05/07 04:51 by Jim Lovell