* * param.txt - Minor scheduling parameters * * Parameter fiel for APOD sessions, Nov./Dec. 2016, AuScope antennas * * NOTE: List and set minor scheduling parameters by user. * * CHANGES: * 2015-02-11, A. Hellerschmied: PARA.EXPER and PARA.DESCRIPTION removed (now input via GUI) * 2015-07-14, A. Hellerschmied: Parameter for satellite scheduling added * 2016-05-25, M. Schartner & L. Plank: Parameter for STAR mode added * 2016-06-16, A. Hellerschmied: Parameters for automatic satellite scheduling added * 2016-10-05, M. Schartner: Individual weight factors added * 2016-10-06, M. Schartner: Band informations are now in GUI * * Parameter Value Comments * PARA.RATE1A 3 % Acceleration of AZ/HA axis [deg/s^2] PARA.RATE2A 3 % Acceleration of EL/DC axis [deg/s^2] PARA.MARGEL1 5 % Marge for AZ/HA axis [deg] PARA.MARGEL2 0 % Marge for EL/DC axis [deg] PARA.MIN_SRCRP 20 % The interval that the same source won't be observed twice [min] PARA.SOURCE 5 % Time for the antenna to settle down after slewing and before observation start time [sec] PARA.TAPETM 1 % Time for the tape after slewing and before observation start time [sec] PARA.IDLE 5 % Time allowed for idling after slewing and before observation start time [sec] PARA.CALIBRATION 10 % Time allowed for calibration after slewing and before observation start time [sec] PARA.MAXSLEWTIME 300 % Maximum time to allow an antenna to slew [sec] PARA.MAX_WAIT 200 % Maximum time to wait for the slow antenna [sec] PARA.CORSYNCH 10 % Time to allow the correlator to synchronize tapes [sec] PARA.MAX_SCAN 120 % Maximum allowable scan time [sec] PARA.MIN_SCAN 30 % Minimum allowable scan time [sec] PARA.FILLINMODE 12 % If use fill-in mode (0/1/2/12) PARA.FILLENDT 9999 % Maximum time for the end time of fill-in scan [sec] PARA.SCREEN 1 % If print processing information on screen (1/0) PARA.MIN_STANUM 3 % Minimum station number per subcon PARA.MIN_STASCAN 3 % Minimum station number per scan PARA.MIN_STANUM_FI 2 % Minimum station number for fillin-mode PARA.SUBNETTING 2 % ONLY STATION BASED! (1/2) 1: 1 scan per subcon, 2: up to 2 scans per subcon * PARA.SKYDT 30 % The interval for calculation of sky coverage [min] * PARA.SKYDT 1 % The interval for calculation of sky coverage [min] PARA.MIN_SRC2ANG 120.0 % Minimum angle between two sources observed simultaneously [deg] PARA.SORTNUM 60 % Num of subconfigurations found with station-based strategy for further consideration * PARA.FORSI 0 % if check for source structure study [1/0] * PARA.UPSTA ******** % increase the opportunity for scheduling PARA.DOWNSTA ******** % decrease the opportunity for scheduling PARA.SRCFRINGE ******** % source used for fringe check * STAR modus PARA.STARMODE 0 % use STAR mode (only for station based) PARA.STRONGANT HOBART26 % Name of strong antenna PARA.CADENCE 10 % STAR modus on every n'th scan * * used for SKD file PARA.SCANDURA 196 % The default scan length [sec], used in SKD file '$PARAM' PARA.TRACKSMODE Mk34 % The formatter mode, used in SKD file '$CODES' PARA.CORRELATOR SHAO % Correlator code, used in SKD file '$PARAM' * PARA.TRACKSNAME 14U2L-1-1-B % used in tracks.cat file PARA.OBSMODE_NAME 1024-16(AU) % Name of observation mode defined in the catalog file "mode.cat" PARA.SCHEDULER UTAS % Name of institution that created the schedule * * individual weight factors PARA.WEIGHT_NUMBER_OF_OBS 1 % weight factor for number of baselines (default is 1) PARA.WEIGHT_SKY_COVERAGE 1 % weight factor for sky coverage (default is 1) PARA.WEIGHT_SCAN_END_TIME 0.1 % weight factor for scan end time (default is 0.1) * * Parameters for satellite scheduling PARA.TRF_FILENAME vietrf10_sched.txt % File name of TRF File (containing VLBI site location and velocity) PARA.TRF_FILEPATH ../TRF/ % File path of TRF File (containing VLBI site location and velocity) PARA.EOP_FILENAME eop_finals2000A.txt % Name of VieVS EOP file (IAU 2000) PARA.EOP_FILEPATH ../EOP/ % Directory of VieVS EOP file PARA.REPOS_INT 1 % Antenna repositioning interval for satellite tracking [sec] PARA.DELTA_REPOS_INT 1 % Threshold for variations of the antenna reposition-interval for satellite observations [sec] PARA.MIN_SAT_SCAN_TIME 1 % Defines the minimum time period a valid satellite scan can take [sec] PARA.SAT_FREQ_FILENAME satellite_frequ.txt % File name of the satellite frequency catalog file PARA.SAT_FREQ_FILEPATH ../CATALOGS/ % File path of the satellite frequency catalog file PARA.VEX_PARA_FILENAME vex_param_apod_YgKeHoHb.txt % File name of the VEX parameter file PARA.VEX_PARA_FILEPATH ../CATALOGS/ % File path of the VEX parameter file PARA.CHECK_SCAN_INT 15 % Interval for checking various conditions for a valid scan [sec] PARA.PREOB_NEW_SOURCE 10 % Pre-observation time which is added after slewing, if the source changes (not added, if any 2 quasars or the same satellite is observed on consecutive observations) [sec] * * Parameters for automatic satellite scheduling PARA.SAT_BLOCK_DUR_MIN 50 % Duration of the individual satellite scan blocks [min] PARA.Q_BLOCK_DUR_MIN 10 % Duration of the individual quasar scan blocks [min] PARA.SAT_SCAN_DUR_SEC 300 % Duration of individual satellite scans (on-source time) [sec] PARA.INIT_SCAN_TYPE q % Scan type for the initial scan block (s = satellites, q = quasars) PARA.CALC_SKYCOV_SAT 1 % Select, wether the scykoverage is calculated separately fort quasar (SKYDT)/sat.(SKYDT_SAT) observations (Flag: 1=yes, 0=no) PARA.SKYDT_SAT 60 % Interval for calculating the sky coverage (sliding window) for satellite observations PARA.MIN_SRCRP_SAT 14 % Interval in which the same satellite won't be observed twice [min] PARA.CENTER_TRACK_EPOCHS 0 % Select whether the epochs for calculating tracking points (step-wise tracking) should be centerd withing the repos. interval (1=yes; 0=no)