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wg7:gnss_vlbi:2016:g336:g336 [2016/11/30 06:51]
Andreas Hellerschmied created
wg7:gnss_vlbi:2016:g336:g336 [2016/12/01 06:49]
Andreas Hellerschmied [g336]
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   * Antennas: Ho, Wa, Cd   * Antennas: Ho, Wa, Cd
   * Source 1921-283 observed (transits = highest elev. at stations) for polarization calibration. ​   * Source 1921-283 observed (transits = highest elev. at stations) for polarization calibration. ​
 +  * Ho and Cd: AGC loop was frozen after calibration time of 10 sec prior all GPS scans (constant gain during GPS tracks) ​
 +  * Ho: Parallel recording with Mk4 system and DBBC; Cd: DBBC
 <​file>​ <​file>​
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     * GPS scans manually scheduled     * GPS scans manually scheduled
       * 4 GPS sat. (PRN: 6, 19, 24, 2)        * 4 GPS sat. (PRN: 6, 19, 24, 2) 
-      ​* 3 to 4 scans per sat.+        ​* 3 to 4 scans per sat.
         * evenly distributed over track         * evenly distributed over track
         * scans at different elevations         * scans at different elevations
       * 297 sec scans, if possible (~ 5 min)       * 297 sec scans, if possible (~ 5 min)
-        * = multiple of repos. int.+        * 297 se = multiple of repos. int.
       * Stepwise tracking with 9 sec repos. int.       * Stepwise tracking with 9 sec repos. int.
 +        * This time 9 sec instead of 10 sec to see, if this 9 sec period propagates into the derived delays, etc.
 +      * Continuous recording during GPS tracks
   * Schedule summary: {{:​wg7:​gnss_vlbi:​2016:​g336:​g336_sum.txt|}}   * Schedule summary: {{:​wg7:​gnss_vlbi:​2016:​g336:​g336_sum.txt|}}
 +  * Sky plots: {{:​wg7:​gnss_vlbi:​2016:​g336:​sky_g336_cd_0330-0640.pdf|Cd}},​ {{:​wg7:​gnss_vlbi:​2016:​g336:​sky_g336_ho_0330-0640.pdf|Ho}},​ {{:​wg7:​gnss_vlbi:​2016:​g336:​sky_g336_wa_0330-0640.pdf|Wa}}
 +  * Elevation/​visibility plot: {{:​wg7:​gnss_vlbi:​2016:​g336:​2016-12-01_033000_elev_g336.pdf|}}
   * 20 sec calibration time + additional 5 sec idle time defined in param.txt => time to adjust the gain prior to recording   * 20 sec calibration time + additional 5 sec idle time defined in param.txt => time to adjust the gain prior to recording
 +  * VEX files (Sat. pos. updated with most recent TLE available on 2016-12-01):​ {{:​wg7:​gnss_vlbi:​2016:​g336:​g336cd.vex.txt|}} {{:​wg7:​gnss_vlbi:​2016:​g336:​g336ho.vex.txt|}} {{:​wg7:​gnss_vlbi:​2016:​g336:​g336wa.vex.txt|}}
 ===== Observation ===== ===== Observation =====
-  * **Observers**:​+  * **Observers**: ​Tim Natusch (Wa); Jamie McCallum, Lucia Plank, Andreas Hellerschmied (Cd, Ho)
   * **Comments**: ​   * **Comments**: ​
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/wg7/gnss_vlbi/2016/g336/g336.txt · Last modified: 2016/12/08 02:06 by Andreas Hellerschmied