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GPS tracking experiment.

  • Antennas: Ho, Wa, Cd
  • Source 1921-283 observed (transits = highest elev. at stations) for polarization calibration.
  • Ho and Cd: AGC loop was frozen after calibration time of 10 sec prior all GPS scans (constant gain during GPS tracks)
  • Ho: Parallel recording with Mk4 system and DBBC; Cd: DBBC
# Schedule summary for session: g336                                              #
Nominal start:     2016-12-01 03:30:00
Nominal end:       2016-12-01 06:40:22
Scan#  Source name              Type  Start [UT]  End [UT]  Dur [s]  Sations
1      1921-293                 q     03:30:00    03:40:00  600      Cd Ho Wa
2      GPS BIIF-6  (PRN 06)     s     03:42:34    03:47:31  297      Cd Ho Wa
3      GPS BIIR-11 (PRN 19)     s     03:53:54    03:58:51  297      Cd Ho Wa
4      GPS BIIF-3  (PRN 24)     s     04:02:00    04:06:57  297      Cd Ho Wa
5      GPS BIIR-13 (PRN 02)     s     04:13:16    04:18:13  297      Cd Ho Wa
6      GPS BIIF-6  (PRN 06)     s     04:21:09    04:26:06  297      Cd Ho Wa
7      GPS BIIR-11 (PRN 19)     s     04:36:16    04:40:10  234      Cd Ho Wa
8      1921-293                 q     04:46:09    04:56:09  600      Cd Ho Wa
9      GPS BIIR-13 (PRN 02)     s     04:58:39    05:03:36  297      Cd Ho Wa
10     GPS BIIF-3  (PRN 24)     s     05:07:07    05:12:04  297      Cd Ho Wa
11     GPS BIIF-6  (PRN 06)     s     05:17:32    05:22:29  297      Cd Ho Wa
12     GPS BIIR-11 (PRN 19)     s     05:25:01    05:29:58  297      Cd Ho Wa
13     1921-293                 q     05:38:00    05:48:00  600      Cd Ho Wa
14     GPS BIIF-3  (PRN 24)     s     05:50:37    05:55:34  297      Cd Ho Wa
15     GPS BIIR-13 (PRN 02)     s     05:59:43    06:04:40  297      Cd Ho Wa
16     GPS BIIF-6  (PRN 06)     s     06:11:09    06:16:06  297      Cd Ho Wa
17     GPS BIIR-13 (PRN 02)     s     06:21:28    06:25:22  234      Cd Ho Wa
18     1921-293                 q     06:30:22    06:40:22  600      Cd Ho Wa


  • With VieVS Satellite scheduling tool, by A. Hellerschmied
    • Source 1921-283 observed for polarization calibration.
      • 10 min scans<
      • observations during transits (as far as possible) ⇒ highest elev. at stations ⇒ Largest variation in pol. (linear!)
    • GPS scans manually scheduled
      • 4 GPS sat. (PRN: 6, 19, 24, 2)
        • 3 to 4 scans per sat.
        • evenly distributed over track
        • scans at different elevations
      • 297 sec scans, if possible (~ 5 min)
        • 297 se = multiple of repos. int.
      • Stepwise tracking with 9 sec repos. int.
        • This time 9 sec instead of 10 sec to see, if this 9 sec period propagates into the derived delays, etc.
      • Continuous recording during GPS tracks
  • Schedule summary: g336_sum.txt
  • Sky plots: Cd, Ho, Wa
  • Elevation/visibility plot: 2016-12-01_033000_elev_g336.pdf
  • 20 sec calibration time + additional 5 sec idle time defined in param.txt ⇒ time to adjust the gain prior to recording
  • VEX files (Sat. pos. updated with most recent TLE available on 2016-12-01): g336cd.vex.txt g336ho.vex.txt g336wa.vex.txt


  • Observers: Tim Natusch (Wa); Jamie McCallum (Cd, Ho)
  • Comments:
    • Ho, Cd: No obvious problems. Tracking and recording was fine. Antennas were on source in time.


  • Stepwise tracking
    • 9 sec repos. int.
    • Station dependent VEX files with tracking points in topo. RaDec


  • SP3 file for GPS week 1925.4 from (g336_igr19254.sp3)
  • 2016-12-08 - Jamie correlated scans 2 and 17 (only data from Wa and Ho) and got fringes

Available files

Files are available on the VieVS server ( at /home/sorts/GNSS_UTAS/2016/g336/

/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/wg7/gnss_vlbi/2016/g336/g336.txt · Last modified: 2016/12/08 02:06 by Andreas Hellerschmied