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Handover notes

Please use this page to write up any notes on anything that needs to be passed on to the next observer or should go into the end of experiment message.

Notes should be placed below the horizontal line as a new blog entry.

Continuing problems should be copied to the Current Issues page.

**Template for Handover notes:**

Be sure to add any specific notes about the experiment if required, for example “Special back end configuration for x reason”. Put as much detail as you can - the more the better.

It is ESSENTIAL to put your name after EVERY entry. Copy and paste the template into the new handover notes

====== Experiment Name ======

**Hobart 12m**

Disk VSN: abc-123 | Data volume at beginning: 2.34 GB

   * 1300UT a comment from me (user)

**Katherine 12m**

Disk VSN: | Data volume at beginning:  GB


**Yarragadee 12m**

Disk VSN: | Data volume at beginning:  GB

   * 1300UT Experiment started okay (JMc).

Format for entering a comment It is important to stick to this formula - there is a good reason we need this information, so please include it!

Time stamp in UT * Comment * (Your Name)

For Example:

20:00UT: Wind stows, Missed scans 012-3456 to 012-3457 (Jim)

20:50UT: Mark5 lost connection, had to restart Mark5 and reconfigure DBBC, called Jamie on call to fix, missed scans 012-3456 to 012-4567 (Jim)

Again - as much detail as you can. It is important to remember that these notes will be sent to the correlator, so please make sure they make sense to others.


Hobart 26 m

Disk VSN: OSOD+121 | Data volume at beginning: 1.667 GB

  • At 1730 UT Experiment started OK (mas)
  • At 1931 UT, halt the schedule due to wind stowed. Missed scans start from 253-1929 (mas)
  • 01:09 UT back on source (warren)
  • 01:58 UT wind stowed during scan name 254-0158 (warren)
  • 05:35 UT back on schedule with 254-0535 (w)
  • 06:37 UT - Wind stowed during scan name 254-0637 (Patrick)
  • 10:59 UT - Resumed schedule. First good scan is 254-1104 (Patrick)
  • 11:38 UT - Wind stowed during scan name 254-1141 (Patrick)
  • Windstowed from till end.
  • ops8 crashed. Restared.
2019/09/10 22:09 · Pradyumna Kiran Kummamuru

Yarragadee 12m

Disk VSN: MED-0027/3200 | Data volume at beginning: 0.256 GB

  • 1700UT - Experiment started OK (Prad).
  • Unusually delayed response at the FS to commands entered from erc . Hence, just using the oprin window in the vnc viewer. The disk module graphic in the erc is not updating (Prad).
  • 1919UT - Antenna stuck at scan# 252-1928b. Tried 'source=disable', 'antenna=open', switching drives on and off and rebooting central in the HMI. The schedule restarted at scan# 252-2154b after attempting the reboot multiple times. (Prad).
  • 2156UT - scan_check reports mk5 data format problem (letter E issue) for scan# 252-2154b. Will require a module swap if the issue persists (Prad).
  • erc displaying wrong DOY and UT.
  • 04:52 UT recorded data ahead of scheduled by 112 GB (warren)
  • 09:47 UT Waiting at limit for several scans. Field system had forced antenna to limit and would not take new source commands. Restarted the field system and schedule at scan 253-1025a. Scans 253-0953 through 253-1019 not on target (Ross)
2019/09/09 15:03 · Pradyumna Kiran Kummamuru · 2 Comments

Yarragadee 12m

Experiment started ok (Earl)

VSN: USN-0142/2000/1024

  • 21:20 UT field system had locked up; missed scans from 248-2130b (warren)
  • 01:05 UT data short -199 GB (w)
  • 01:07 UT pcfsyg restart and field system restart (w)
  • 01:14 UT schedule resumed first scan 249-0114 recorded OK (w)
  • 0700 UT eRemoteCtrl isn't showing right date and timing of current scan and that's making log monitor basically irrelevant. Talked to Jamie on this issue, he said he'll look for some fix for this probelm. Everything else is working fine though (Jay)
2019/09/05 11:53 · Tiege McCarthy · 0 Comments

Yarragadee 12m

Disk VSN: USN-0070/4000 | Data volume at beginning: 0.172 GB

  • 1700UT - Experiment started OK (Tiege).
2019/09/02 17:04 · Tiege McCarthy · 0 Comments

Yarragadee 12m

Disk VSN: SHAO-023/2000.138 | Data volume at beginning: 0.353 GB

  • 1830UT - Experiment started okay (Prad).
2019/08/29 12:57 · Patrick Yates

Hobart 26m

Disk VSN: HOB+1000/8000| Data volume at beginning: 0.513 GB

  • 1730UT - Experiment started OK (Prad)
  • 2019UT - Antenna stowed due to high wind. Experiment resumed at 2155UT (Prad).
  • 2157UT - Noticed slewing in the 239-2157 scan (Prad).
  • Scans 239-2018 - 239-2157 likely to have been missed/affected.
  • 2345UT - Cryogenic He supply pressure drops to 274.0 psi. Call Warren to check (Simin).
  • 0045UT - He supply pressure drops to 271.5 psi (Simin).
  • 0145UT - He supply pressure is above 275 psi now (Simin).
  • 0422Ut - Antenna stowed due to high wind. Affected scans: 240-0425a - 240-0434 (Simin).
  • Hobart 26m live page is not very much alive!!! (Simin)
2019/08/27 16:11 · Patrick Yates
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/handover.txt · Last modified: 2018/10/29 16:27 by Jesse Swan