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Handover notes

Please use this page to write up any notes on anything that needs to be passed on to the next observer or should go into the end of experiment message.

Notes should be placed below the horizontal line as a new blog entry.

Continuing problems should be copied to the Current Issues page.

**Template for Handover notes:**

Be sure to add any specific notes about the experiment if required, for example “Special back end configuration for x reason”. Put as much detail as you can - the more the better.

It is ESSENTIAL to put your name after EVERY entry. Copy and paste the template into the new handover notes

====== Experiment Name ======

**Hobart 12m**

Disk VSN: abc-123 | Data volume at beginning: 2.34 GB

   * 1300UT a comment from me (user)

**Katherine 12m**

Disk VSN: | Data volume at beginning:  GB


**Yarragadee 12m**

Disk VSN: | Data volume at beginning:  GB

   * 1300UT Experiment started okay (JMc).

Format for entering a comment It is important to stick to this formula - there is a good reason we need this information, so please include it!

Time stamp in UT * Comment * (Your Name)

For Example:

20:00UT: Wind stows, Missed scans 012-3456 to 012-3457 (Jim)

20:50UT: Mark5 lost connection, had to restart Mark5 and reconfigure DBBC, called Jamie on call to fix, missed scans 012-3456 to 012-4567 (Jim)

Again - as much detail as you can. It is important to remember that these notes will be sent to the correlator, so please make sure they make sense to others.


Hobart 26m

Disk VSN: CURT+101/6000/1024 | Data volume at beginning: 0.0 GB

  • 1730UT experiment started OK (JS)
  • 1730UT iread power levels are a bit low 28000 and 38000 of 48000 | changing attentuation did nothing to help (JS)
  • 0630UT problems with cryo pressure, temps rising, called Jamie and he has sorted it. (Tiege)
  • 0920UT Two scans (0910 and 0919 i think) where “previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded”, seemed to imporve after this, keeping an eye on it.

Katherine 12m

Disk VSN: USN-0062/4000 | Data volume at beginning: 0.0 GB

  • 1730UT experiment started OK (JS)

Yarragadee 12m

Disk VSN: MED-0038/32000 | Data volume at beginning: 0.0 GB

  • 1730UT experiment started OK (JS)
2017/11/07 12:25 · Patrick Yates


Disk VSN: NAIC-004

Data Volume at Beginning: 0.224 GB

  • 1700UT: Experiment started OK (Patrick)


Disk VSN: HOB+0102

Data Volume at Beginning: 0.224 GB

  • 1700UT: Experiment started OK (Patrick)
2017/11/06 04:24 · Patrick Yates · 0 Comments


Disk VSN: USN-0111

Data Volume at Beginning: 0.769 GB

  • 1830UT Experiment started OK (Patrick)


Disk VSN: OAN+0101

Data Volume at Beginning: 0.801 GB

  • 1830UT Experiment started OK (Patrick)
2017/11/02 18:32 · Bryn Emptage · 0 Comments

Hobart 26

Disk VSN: HOB+0094

Data Volume at Beginning: 0 GB

  • 1800UT Experiment started OK
  • 1057UT He supply pressure dropped rapidly, now at 273psi although somewhat steady. Warren consulted will leave it for now. If it goes below 270psi, ring him back (Liz).


Disk VSN: HOB+0021

Data Volume at Beginning: 1.538 GB

  • Ran fivept several times, the offsets are looking a bit dodgy (xoffset 157.5670 65.7470 0.00000 0.04678 0.09617 0.01788 0 1 0521m365) - this is an improvement from the -0.3 offsets that were happening earlier (Bryn)
  • Best fivept I could get is xoffset 178.4848 58.5974 0.03901 0.01897 0.01672 0.01623 1 0 pictora after switching source. (Bryn)
  • 1800UT Experiment started OK


Disk VSN: USN+0220

Data Volume at Beginning: 1.667 GB

  • 1800UT Experiment started OK
2017/11/01 15:53 · Bryn Emptage · 0 Comments

Katherine 12m

Disk VSN: USN-0150 | Data volume at beginning: 0.0 GB

  • 1700UT Experiment started OK (JS)

Yarragadee 12m

Disk VSN: HAY-0055 | Data volume at beginning: 0.0 GB

  • 1700UT Experiment started OK (JS)
  • 1345UT Massive spike in delay difference (66064883248634.000 us). Halting schedule to reset DBBC (Bryn)
  • 1352UT Recording Resumed, missed scans 304-1342b through 304-1347c (Bryn)
  • 1530UT alarms going off for illegal state error and unable to read systemclock1. antenna=open antenna=operate fixed the issue. (Bryn)
  • 1600UT More alarms, probably caused by the storm. Really slow connection to telescope. Resetting antenna drives, as the antenna is stuck.
2017/10/30 18:21 · Arwin Kahlon

Katherine 12m

Disk: USN-0138 start: 00.00 GB

  • 1830UT experiment started OK (JS)
  • 2253UT mk5 crashed, restarting DIM didnt help, rebooted mk5 but the fs wouldn't accept a new schedule. (Arwin)
  • 2328UT schedule resumed. (Arwin)

Yaragadee 12m

Disk: UVLBI-27 start: 00.00 GB

  • 1830UT experiment started OK (JS)
  • 2305UT halted exp to fix mk5 issues, accidently killed dim on yg while trying to fix mk5ke (Arwin)
  • 2317UT resumed with scan 299-2317b (Arwin)
2017/10/26 20:38 · Arwin Kahlon · 0 Comments
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/handover.txt · Last modified: 2018/10/29 16:27 by Jesse Swan