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# Spacecraft tracking activities

1. Observational setup 2. Data processing

Required software:

  • Makekey1
  • SWspec 2
  • Spec analysis tools 3

### 1. Observational setup

### 2. Data processing

The pipeline to retrieve the Doppler and residual phase can be summarised as:

In therms of software the data processing is summarised in 3 steps:

1- Running the software spectrometer to see the spectrum of the signal recorded (SWspec)
2- Making a first estimate of the pcal measurements (calculatePcalCpp)
3- Running the tracking software (SCtracker)

/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/analysis/spacecraft.1574728366.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/26 00:32 by Guifre