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GNSS calibration project

Nov 5, 2020: we have set a date for initial test observations, friday Nov 13; some thoughts beforehand:

  • We believe that we can do the measurements from the control room
  • We will select a few suitable satellites (Lucia and Tiege) and use the TLE-RADEC satellite function for the 26m to actually track the satellite (Tiege looks into that – but we have used it previously)
  • All we need for a start is a snapshot from the spectrum analyser over the transmission bands (L1 & L2)
  • What we also need is a calibration of the antenna
  • Once we have a few measurements, we can look into the formulas and try to derive the actual values that we need.

Nov 13, 2020: first tracking tests:

  • setup: split off the multi-feed channel 1, nominally one of the linearly polarized ones; permanently installed; spectrum analyser connected of that; receiver multifeed 2 (L-band), agilent (1st LO) set to 4.1 GHz, 16 dBm output.
  • spechb: on the network via vnc and socket connection; settings: input attenuation manually fixed at 10dBs; center freq and span adjustable; freq 500MHz, span 1 GHz; 100 counts average seems to look good by eye. video bandwidth of 10 MHz, resolution BW 3 MHz, sweep time 2.5 ms. (setup in automatic mode); narrower bandwidth allow better discrimination between RFI and signal; use different tracers; sky range 1.1 - 2.1 GHz;
  • RFI: bruny island microwave link ~330MHz IF (1430 sky), mobile phones above 1.8 GHz, something at about 60-70 MHz (1160-70, blocking L5?)
  • tracks: tracking using the satellite tracking module (sattrack); scheduled with 10sec updates.
  • sattrack: window is the one to look at for current track; infos in spaceX_26m.pdf; has to be run on newsmerd


  • prepare tracks for 5 min on source off source (for 1 satellite at a time); probably try 1 sec updates; how does sattrack handle this? code up 5 minute tracks to load after each other (run in sequence) - after the track finished, the antenna sits at the final az/el
  • define spectral analyser output - pulling & scripting seems to work - but what and how long to write out data?; question what resolution and freq span? Why is TRACE output always 500 points?
  • SEFD calibration - need to work out how to do this? VirgoA or Hydra is strong - use on/offs and spec an. Nominal SEFD about 400-500 Jy
  • define an output from the spectral analyser - a dataset that we can work on; do some tests regarding resolution etc
  • try repeatability - observe the identical satellite for 3 days in a row and compare values
  • get value table ready - try to replicate the tracking table Peter Steigenberger sent through; figure out boresight angle etc (Lucia to ask Ron/Peter)
  • have a look at subsequent estimation - get all the necessary values together, code an estimator? first understand the code
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/development/gnss_calibration.1605239935.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/13 03:58 (external edit)