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Fringes detected between baseline hb-ke only. Fringes detected in S and X bands. (Ellen)


Module: HOB+130, Start disk pos: 3039.91 GB

  • Experiment started ok. (JS)


Module: HOB+0125, Start disk pos: 16809.96 GB

  • Experiment started ok. (JS)
  • 22:52 UT - Halted schedule to restart DBBC because of clock drift. Restarted at 23:03. Missed scans 161-2252 to 161-2300 corresponding to a 27 GB deficit (js/vk)
  • 23:41 UT - Restarted fs after discovering that it had crashed since 23:01 UT. Missed scans 161-2303 to 161-2342 corresponding to a 122 GB deficit (vk)
  • 00:08 UT - Maser power highlighted blue at 23.8 - it should be 24 (vk)


Module: HOB+0129, Start disk pos: 17125.73 GB

  • Experiment started ok. (JS)
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/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/handover/a1520.1433981330.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/06/11 00:08 by Vasaant Krishnan